Out of the Library is a program that focuses on specific themes within PUBLICS Library, in Helsinki. Through the year, PUBLICS invites collaborators to compile reading lists that can help browsing through the books.
In November 2023, I have compiled the reading list 'Geographies of Resistance', as part of my position of coordinator of the Youth Board.
This selection was born to gather books by Palestinian authors or otherwise narrating Palestine, within PUBLICS Library. The first section of the reading list collects them and includes art and research in urban studies, post-colonial theory, social sciences, and curating.
The second section GEOGRAPHY, RESISTANCE, BELONGING and includes titles that I have read for my personal practice or that are in my reading list. A number of these books reflect on the Finnish and Nordic context, often taking a site-specific approach. The other titles offer broader theoretical frameworks by foundational authors. They articulate geography and place as the grounds where identity, belonging, and participation are collectively negotiated. Indigeneity, colonialism, gender, economy, nationhood, and citizenship also thread through these books.