Since June 2022 I am the project coordinator of PUBLICS Youth Advisory Board. The Youth Advisory Board has published a Podcast as the final production of their work in 2022. 
Episode 1. "PUBLICS Youth 2022 In Conversation", and episode 2. "Harold Offeh on working with PUBLICS Youth" are available at, Vimeo and Soundcloud.
In episode 2. "Harold Offeh on working with PUBLICS Youth", artist and educator Harold Offeh and project coordinator Micol Curatolo reconsider their experience of working with PUBLICS Youth, putting into perspective the role that projects like Youth Advisory Board play in both the personal trajectory of one’s growth, and the infrastructures of contemporary art education and professionalization. Harold Offeh worked with the Youth on the political and cultural meaning of voice and play, and how those are made public. Together they have explored how voices appear in popular visual culture, questioning the relation between digital performativity and the politics of voice.
Podcast recorded on 15th December 2022. Editing by Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen.
Read more about more PUBLICS Youth Advisory Board.​​​​​​​
Podcast launch, 22 February 2023, PUBLICS, Helsinki, Finland. Photo: Aman Askarizad.

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